Monday 8 July 2019 |
Session 6 (9.30-11.30 am) |
A. | When Classics Gets Creative: Creative Writing and the Classics. [1: Fiction]
a. Emily Hauser (University of Exeter, UK), I , Classicist: Between Classics and Creative Writing
b. Nick Lowe (Royal Holloway University of London, USA), The Expanded Eye: Becoming Peter Green c. Amanda Potter (Open University, UK), Writing the Ancient World for Pleasure (and for friends and colleagues)?: Classics Fans, Fan Fiction and Academic Writing d. One-hour short story writing workshop, led by Caroline Lawrence
Organisers and Chairs: Emily Hauser (University of Exeter, UK) and Amanda Potter (Open University, UK) |
B. | 140 years of the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies
ROOM 804 (IoE) |
a. Christopher Stray (Swansea University, UK), The foundation in context
b. Katherine Harloe (University of Reading, UK) and Amara Thornton (University of Reading, UK), Founding visions: The SPHS between Hellenic scholarship and philhellenism c. Judith Mossman (University of Coventry, UK), A neutral ground? Presidential addresses and the World beyond d. Douglas Cairns (University of Edinburgh, UK), JHS: Current trends and future prospects
Organiser and Chair: Judith Mossman (University of Coventry, UK) |
C. | The Meaning of Form in Early Greek Epic Verse: Semantics, Poetics, and Grammar
a. Rutger J. Allan (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlans), The Grammar of Immersion: An embodied simulation approach to Homeric vividness
b. Chiara Bozzone (Ludwig-Maximilians Universität, Munich, Germany), “I’m an American guy faking a British accent faking an American accent”: on the meaning of dialectal forms in Homer c. Anna Bonifazi (University of Cologne, Germany), The meaning of chunks: Rethinking discourse boundaries in Homer d. Ahuvia Kahane (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland), The Complexity of Epic Diction: Poetics and Grammar e. Adrian Kelly (University of Oxford, UK), Intraformularity in Epos f. Respondents: Matthew Ward (Royal Holloway, University of London, UK) and Katharine Shields (University College London, UK)
Organisers: Matthew Ward (Royal Holloway, University of London, UK), Katharine Shields (University College London, UK) and Ahuvia Kahane (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland) Chair: Matthew Ward (Royal Holloway, University of London, UK) and Katharine Shields (University College London, UK) |
D. | Ancient Sociolinguistics: exploring Latinization in the Roman West
ROOM 739 (IoE) |
a. Alex Mullen (University of Nottingham, UK), A sociolinguistic approach to the spread of the Latin language and literacy in Roman Britain
b. María José Estarán Tolosa (University of Zaragoza, Spain) and Noemí Moncunill (University of Barcelona, Spain), Literacy and Latinization in the Iberian peninsula. Genesis, re-elaboration and adaptation of the Palaeohispanic epigraphy c. Francesca Cotugno (University of Nottingham and CSAD, University of Oxford, UK), Exploring the Channel zone: religious and linguistic interactions d. Morgane Andrieu (CNRS, Montpellier, France), Latinization beyond the lapidary: tracing Latin and literacy through graffiti in Gaul
Organiser and Chair: Alex Mullen (University of Nottingham, UK) |
E. | Queer ‘Returns’ to Classical Antiquity in the Post-stonewall Era
ROOM 642 (IoE) |
a. Emilio Capettini (UC Santa Barbara, USA), ‘Like Picking Up a Shard of Red-Black Vase off a Greek Hillside’: Fragmentation and Integrity in AIDS Literature and Art
b. Kay Gabriel (Princeton University, USA), John Jesurun’s terra nullius c. Robert Matera (University of Maryland, USA), The truth about spoons: Stoppard’s Housman and Queer History d. Ella Haselswerdt (Cornell University, USA), Love’s archaeologies: Queer unhistoricism and Sappho’s fragments in Frain and Mehretu
Organiser and Chair: Emilio Capettini (UC Santa Barbara, USA) |
F. | Engagement, Materiality and Play: The Use of 3D Models of Antiquities in and out of the Classroom
a. Valeria Vitale (Institute of Classical Studies, UK), Learning by Remaking
b. Claudina Romero Mayorga and Amy Smith (University of Reading, UK), Object-based teaching through a new lens: 3D scanning and printing Cypriote figurines in the Ure Museum c. Diana Burton (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand), Herakles vs Pokemon: integrating 3D printing with Greek vase-painting d. Ellen Swift and Jo Stoner (University of Kent, UK), 3D scanning and the creation of replica objects for museum education: the ‘Sounds of Roman Egypt’ exhibition at the UCL Petrie Museum e. Will Wootton (King’s College London, UK), Documenting, printing and interpreting: from photogrammetry to 3D printing in the understanding and teaching of ancient craft production
Organiser: Valeria Vitale (Institute of Classical Studies, UK) Chairs: Valeria Vitale (Institute of Classical Studies, UK) and Gabriel Bodard (Institute of Classical Studies, UK) |
G. | Sex and the Citizen: the Discourse of Status, Body, and Gender in Classical Athens
a. Chris Carey (University College London, UK), The citizen body
b. Lene Rubinstein (Royal Holloway University of London, UK), Refugees in classical Athens and the enforcement of the dual citizen-descent criterion c. Jakub Filonik (Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland), Sharing in the polis: Athenian ideas of citizenship and participation d. Brenda Griffith-Williams (University College London, UK), Astē or politis? The vocabulary of female citizenship in the Attic orators
Organiser: Jakub Filonik (Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland) Chair: Chris Carey (University College London, UK) |
H. | Boundaries of Childhood in the Roman Empire
ROOM 802 (IoE) |
a. Roosa Kallunki (University of Tampere, Finland), The Religious Boundaries of Childhood
b. Jasmin Lukkari (University of Helsinki, Finland and University of Cologne, Germany), Boundaries of Identity in the Expanding Empire – Rearing Foreign Royal Child Hostages in Rome c. Sanna Joska (The National Archives of Finland), Beyond the Boundary of Death: The Commemoration of Antonine Imperial Children as Strategy of Future d. Kristin Harper (University of Missouri – Columbia, USA), Per sacra vela: The Boundaries between Childhood and Womanhood in Roman Late Antiquity
Organiser: Jasmin Lukkari (University of Helsinki, Finland and University of Cologne, Germany) Chair: Ville Vuolanto (University of Tampere, Finland) |
I. | Edward Said’s Orientalism: Forty Years Later
ROOM 731 (IoE) |
a. Jeremy Tanner (University College London, UK), Classical art history forty years after Orientalism: reconfigurations of the discipline?
b. Hans Van Wees (University College London, UK), Imperialism and Orientalism in classical Greece: is there a correlation? c. Rosie Harman (University College London, UK), Imperial conqueror and imperial subject in Xenophon’s Cyropaedia d. Corinna Riva (University College London, UK), ‘The yoke of superstition’ and the yoke of Orientalism: Etruria between the 19th and 21st century
Organiser and Chair: Phiroze Vasunia (University College London, UK) |
J. | Amphiboly: Undecidable Language in the Rhetorical Tradition
ROOM 728 (IoE) |
a. Thomas G.M. Blank (Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz, Germany), The rhetorical boomerang: Disentangling inconsistent arguments with/in Isocrates
b. Henry Bowles (University of Oxford, UK), Hermogenic Amphiboly: Obscurity at its Author’s expense c. Joanna Kenty (Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands), Ambiguity and irony in Cicero’s letter to Lucceius d. Michele Kennerly (Pennsylvania State University, USA), Ambiguity, Suspicio, and the Ambiguity of Suspicio
Organiser: Henry Bowles (University of Oxford, UK) Chair: Henriette van der Blom (University of Birmingham, UK) |
K. | Philology and Epigraphy: An Interdisciplinary Approach for the Edition and Study of the Carmina Latina Epigraphica (CLE)
ROOM 822 (IoE) |
a. Peter Kruschwitz (University of Reading, UK), Poetic Britannia
b. Juan Jose Martos Fernández (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain), Love motifs in Carmina Latina Epigraphica c. Alberto Bolaños-Herrera (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain), Les Carmina Latina Epigraphica: textes littéraires au-dessus de textes littérals (in French) d. Victoria González Berdús (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain), Carmina Latina Epigraphica from Gallia Belgica: An Up-to-date Overview and a Study of the Erotic Carmina on Instrumenta
Organiser and Chair: Concepción Fernández-Martínez (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain) |
L. | Ovid in China
ROOM 828 (IoE) |
a. Fritz-Heiner Mutschler (Universität Dresden, Germany and Guest Professor at Peking University, Beijing, China), An Outsider’s observations on the reception of Ovid in China
b. Will Motley (Cohen and Cohen, London) and Thomas Sienkewicz (Monmouth College, USA), Ovid’s Metamorphoses on 18th-century Chinese export porcelain c. Xinyao Xiao (University of Texas at Austin, USA), Ovid’s debut in Chinese: Translating Ars Amatoria in Republican China d. Chun Liu (Peking University, Beijing, China), The writing heroines in Ovid’s Heroides: How do they sound in Chinese? e. Steven Green (Yale-NUS College, Singapore) and Pei Yun Chia (Yale-NUS College, Singapore), Medicamina into Mandarin: Ovid and the Linguistic Crossroads f. Respondent: Jinyu Liu (De Pauw University, USA and Shanghai Normal University, China)
Organiser: Tom Sienkewicz (Monmouth College, Illinois, USA) Chair: Jinyu Liu (De Pauw University, USA and Shanghai Normal University, China) |
Session 7 (3-5 pm) |
A. | When Classics Gets Creative: Creative Writing and the Classics. [2: Poetry, Pedagogy and Graphic Novels]
a. Emma Bridges (Institute of Classical Studies, UK), Rewriting the Ancient World: Creative Practice as Research
b. Ruth MacDonald (St John’s College, University of Oxford, UK), ‘The Cult of the Noble Amateur’: Classical Reception, Intellectual Snobbery and the Democratisation of Classics c. Helen Lovatt (University of Nottingham, UK), Writing Fiction and Understanding Ancient History in the Independent Second Year Project at the University of Nottingham d. Lynn Fortheringham (University of Nottingham, UK), The (Graphic) Novelist and the Historian: Consultancy on ‘Three’ e. One-hour poetry writing workshop led by poets SJ Brady and Emily Chow-Kambitsch.
Organisers and Chairs: Emily Hauser (University of Exeter, UK) and Amanda Potter (Open University, UK) |
B. | Seen and Not Heard? Children’s Concerns in Graeco-Roman Egypt
ROOM 802 (IoE) |
a. April Pudsey (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK), Beyond paidia. The meaning of play for Romano-Egyptian children
b. Ville Vuolanto, (University of Tampere, Finland), Fathers and Mothers in Roman Oxyrhynchos c. Ada Nifosi (University of Kent, Canterbury), Used or abused? Children’s role in divination in Greco-Roman Egypt d. Jennifer Cromwell (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK), Searching for Classrooms in Egyptian Villages in Late Antiquity
Organiser and Chair: April Pudsey (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK) |
C. | (Im)Material Libraries: The Reconstruction of Greek and Latin Scholars’ Libraries in Antiquity and Beyond [the whole panel will be delivered in Italian with English PowerPoint]
ROOM 822 (IoE) |
a. Rosa Otranto (Università degli Studi di Bari, Italy) Cataloguing Books in the Ancient World: pinakes, indices, ἀναγραφαί. [in Italian]
b. Margherita Losacco (Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy), Reconstructing Authors’ Vanished Libraries through Literary Sources: two case-studies [in Italian] c. Ottavia Mazzon (Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy) The Library of the Ancient Bookworm. An Enquiry on Plutarch, his Notes, and his Personal book collection [in Italian] d. Elena Spangenberg Yanes (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland), The Library of the Grammarians. A case-study at the Intersection between Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages: the anonymous De dubiis nominibus [in Italian] e. Martina Elice (Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy), The Libraries of the Physicians. Classical Texts in the Libraries of some Anatomists of the Paduan Medical School [in Italian]
Organiser and Chair: Margherita Losacco (Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy) |
D. | The Multivocality of Material Culture: Ancient Spindle Whorls in Context
ROOM 804 (IoE) |
a. Sarah Scheffler (University of Leicester, UK), Spinning gender identity: The role of spindle whorls in north-west Italian Iron Age/Roman archaeology
b. Henry Clarke (University of Leeds, UK), Objects of the Living and the Dead: Reading spindle whorls in ancient Iberia c. Lisa Venables (University of Leicester, UK) Beyond Mundanity – From tool to textile d. Anna Reeve (University of Leeds, UK), Disks, beads, ornaments: shifting perceptions of ancient Cypriot spindle whorls
Organiser: Anna Reeve (University of Leeds, UK) Chair: Amy Smith (University of Reading, UK) |
E. | Civic Agency and Incentives to Participation in Democratic Athens
ROOM 642 (IoE) |
a. Benjamin Keim (Pomona College, USA), How the Athenians incentivised wise counsel
b. Adriaan Lanni (Harvard University, USA), Civic encouragement and Athenian juries c. Noémie Villacèque (Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France) Why the Athenians assembled in the theatre d. Robin Osborne (University of Cambridge, UK), Local Incentives to participation
Organisers: Benjamin Keim (Pomona College, USA) and Robin Osborne (University of Cambridge, UK) Chair: Claudia Tiersch (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany) |
F. | Queer Classics, Queer Reception: a Roundtable
Mark Masterson (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand), Irene Salvo (University of Goettingen, Germany), Jennifer Ingleheart (Durham University, UK), Marcus Bell (By Jove Theatre Company) and Christine Plastow (Open University and By Jove Theatre Company, UK), Benjamin Greet (University of Reading, UK)
Organisers: Irene Salvo (University of Göttingen, Germany) and Mark Masterson (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand) Chair: Mark Masterson (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand) |
G. | Speech Representation in Ancient Epic from Homer to Nonnus
a. Deborah Beck (University of Texas at Austin, USA), Speech Representation in Homeric Epic – A Case Study
b. Berenice Verhelst (Ghent University, Belgium), Adding Insult to Injury. Triumph speeches on the Epic Battlefield from Homer to Nonnus c. Christopher W. Forstall (Mount Allison University in New Brunswick, Canada), Distant Reading of Direct Speech in Epic: An Illustrated Workflow d. Round table discussion. Organiser: Simone Finkmann (Heinrich Schliemann-Institut für Altertumswissenschaften, University of Rostock, Germany) Chair: Christopher W. Forstall (Mount Allison University in New Brunswick, Canada) |
H. | Anachronism and Antiquity
ROOM 728 (IoE) |
a. Tim Rood (St Hughs College, University of Oxford, UK), Short Introduction
b. John Marincola (Florida State University, USA), Polybian Temporalities c. K. Scarlett Kingsley (Agnes Scott College, USA), Chronopoiesis in the Scholia of Euripides d. Mathura Umachandran (University of Oxford) Adorno and Homer’s Late Style: Art as Catastrophe e. Carol Atack (University of Oxford), Plato’s Republic and the politics of presentism
Organiser and Chair: Tim Rood (St Hughs College, University of Oxford, UK) |
I. | Historiography and the Failure of Empires
a. Liv Mariah Yarrow (City University of New York, USA), Dionysius and Rome’s Failed Constitution
b. David Potter (University of Michigan, USA), Pompeius Trogus and the failures of Empires c. George Woudhuysen (University of Nottingham, UK), Priscus and the problem of Rome’s decline d. Laura Mecella (Università di Milano ‘La Statale’, Italy), Malchus of Philadelphia and the fall of the Western Roman Empire
Organisers and Chairs: David Potter (University of Michigan, USA) and Laura Mecella (Università di Milano ‘La Statale’, Italy) |
J. | Classical reception in Western Siberia XVIIIth–XXIst centuries: Education and Studies
ROOM 739 (IoE) |
a. Marina Lapteva (Tobolsk Pedagogical Institute (branch) of Tyumen State University, Russia), Hippocrene and Irtysh: at the origins of classical education in Western Siberia
b. Galina Skachkova (Tobolsk Pedagogical Institute (branch) of Tyumen State University, Russia) and Peter Shitikov (Tobolsk Pedagogical Institute (branch) of Tyumen State University, Russia), Classical Studies in theological and gymnasium schools in Siberia (from origin to present days) c. Anatoly Gorokhov (Tobolsk Pedagogical Institute (branch) of Tyumen State University, Tobolsk Theological Seminary, Russia), The role of the Philistines the Cretans and Phoenicians in the rise of the Ancient Jewish Statehood (XI-VI centuries BC) d. Elena Sobolnikova (Leningrad State University, Russia), Hesychasm: the Philosophical Rationalization of Transpersonal Mystic Experience
Organiser and Chair: Marina Lapteva (Tobolsk Pedagogical Institute (branch) of Tyumen State University, Russia)