FIEC / CA 2019
15th Congress of the Fédération internationale des associations d'études classiques and the Classical Association annual conference 2019

The De Gruyter Trends in Classics Poster Prize

Sunday 7 July 2019, 6.30 pm – Logan Hall, Institute of Education


The De Gruyter Trends in Classics Poster Prize is awarded for a particularly successful contribution presented during the poster sessions on Sunday 7 July, 1-3 pm.

The 4-member jury consisting of Trends in Classics general editors Franco Montanari and Antonios Rengakos; Prof. Gesine Manuwald, University College London; and Dr. Serena Pirrotta, Editorial Director Classical Studies & Philosophy, De Gruyter will select the best poster in terms of scientific content and graphic design.

The winner is announced on Sunday 7 July, 6.30 pm where they will be presented with a book voucher of 300 Euro.